This is a post dedicated to all the WACK JOBS out there n when I say wack jobs Im talking about ppl who HAVE PROBLEMS and need to take their meds and DONT.
I know a few ppl who have disorders or whatever you wanna call them n Im not talking about ADD (Attention deficiancy disoder Im talking about bi-polar, SKITZophrenia (probably spelt that wrong) and RAGE/massive anger issues anyways if you have a problem/issue freaking address it dont continue to live your life fucked up and putting the people that love you..or INCOCENT bystandards in risk of your nutcase ways. I keep seeing so many people who think "Oh I dont need to take my meds Im normal, with or without them Im the same person"
ps the scary thing is theres a lot of people out there that are crazy and dont even know it and dont end up getting help
This post might scare some people but just know that Im fed up of people being idiots and not mature about their problems and Im sick of it causing so much pain and frustration to families because someone cant just be mature about their problem
WISH ME LUCK and if you have any suggestions or anything email me at